The Benefit Of Adding Paintings, Sculptures And Plants To Your Clinic Or Therapy Setting

To create art is to be human. Without it the world is a dreary place, something that can be easily noticed in the day-to-day whether you’re working in an office space or visiting the clinic for a check-up. When you want to create a harmonious and accepting environment for your patients, the benefits of an […]


Hosting a Casino Night Fundraiser? Here’s What You Should Know

Hosting a Casino Night Fundraiser is an excellent way to raise money for charities or other non-profits projects. No matter the size of the event you are aiming, there’s are always factors to consider, and certain features are simply a must. Features such as entertainment, auction, ticket sales, sponsorships, donations are common when it comes […]


From Docudram to Feature Film – 5 Things to Watch in Honor of MLK

Each January 15, we take time to honor a legend of the civil rights movement. Beginning in 1986, the third Monday of the month was reserved for commemorating the legendary Martin Luther King Jr. King earned this honor through his work as an activist for the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience. As […]


How Does Your Family Celebrate Birthdays?

It is going to be difficult to top the birthday surprise you gave your husband last year. With a group of cheap Padre tickets as inspiration, you found a vacation home for rent by owner in SanDiego and encouraged any of his friends who wanted to buy their own airfare and fly out for a […]


Dance Your Way to a Better Life

= Over the past decade, there has been a 35% increase in the number of people who take ballroom dancing lessons or who attend ballroom dancing events, according to the nonprofit organization, USA Dance, Incorporated. That same organization compared people’s interest in tango dancing vs. mindfulness meditation. They found that at least 97% of the […]


How Professionally Edited Images Can Give Your Business the Edge

In the fast-growing world of ecommerce, your pictures have to do the talking for you. For consumers, pictures are a guide to a product that they will not be able to see or handle. And as they get accustomed to the world of online retail, they demand high quality images. This is why a professional […]


Real Estate Photo EditingAn Agent’s Best Friend

Photos are an important part of the real estate business. Most of the time the first connection that a potential renter or buyer will have with a property is through pictures. This is why real estate photo editing is an essential part of a real estate agent’s outreach to their client. Photo editing involves several […]


These 5 Tips Will Help You Get the Perfect Family Christmas Card Photo

The holidays are right around the corner, which means it’s time to start thinking about your yearly holiday card photos. Whether you decide to use a professional photographer or take the photos yourself, there are some tried-and-true methods for photo styling and preparing your family to take these important photos. If you follow these five […]


Wearing a Flag as Fashion Southerners Revere Old Dixie

Many people who live in the South see the Confederate flag as a point of pride and a symbol of their heritage rather than a symbol of racism and oppression. And to show that pride, some people choose to wear rebel flag items, including a rebel flag bandana or a rebel flag t-shirt. There are […]


How Real Estate Photo Editing Services Can Sell Your Listing Quicker

Selling a home requires a lot of marketing and work from a real estate professional. They must accurately price the home, list it in a way that makes buyers want to see it and provide interested buyers with high quality photos. Most real estate professionals are qualified with pricing a home that is comparable to […]