The Toronto Star’s writer Rosie DiManno -writing on Olympic ice dancing- is not happy. She started melting down when a pair of U.S Meryl Davis and Charlie White beat out Canadians Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir to get the gold medal on Monday.
Her piece of writing begins with some punching statement that describes the Ice Dancing as “a tawdry whore of a sport where the judges are the johns.” She further writes “If the fix is not in against Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, then I’m the Princess of Wales.”
Few days ago, a report in French sports publication had been published stating that the Russian and American Judges were cahoots against Canada and they were trying their best to get through their contenders. On the other hand, IOS had declined the request to probe the claims. It said in its official statement that “it was a baseless and groundless gossip which does not require any investigation”.
Besides, it is said that Meryl Davis and Charlie White were supposed to win the gold medal and they were reining the world of champions because they had already been declared as favorites.
It goes without saying, whether you believe in this monopoly or not but it is true that Rosie DiManno has come to harsh conclusion about the figure skating and she said that “A quarter-century of covering the sport has taught me that figure skating can never be trusted and ice dancing is the worst culprit.”