Now more than ever, companies and marketers are seeing the advantages behind creating engaging, quality digital video productions for marketing to Internet users. Video creates a strong branding identity for your company and is much more memorable and shareable than traditional forms of advertising. Creating video marketing content with a video production company is also much more cost-efficient than buying TV ad time or print ad space.
Still not convinced? Here are the top five reasons why your company should be using online marketing videos:
1. Video marketing content is conducive to search engines: SEO (or search engine optimization) has increasingly responded to the value of creating online video content. Search engines like Google increase companies’ rankings in search results if they also create dynamic and high-quality video content.
2. Web video productions provoke conversation: Have you ever seen a Facebook friend share an ad they thought was funny on their timeline? The ability for people to share engaging video marketing content and talk about it with friends is one of the biggest advantages of this form of advertising.
3. Video marketing creates memorable visuals: Ever heard the phrase “Show, don’t tell”? It applies to advertising on the web, as well. The human brain is geared to respond to visuals — with video, you can inspire your audience to feel emotions, learn about your product and take action, sometimes within the first 10 seconds of watching a video.
4. Your competition is probably already using video marketing: Approximately 81% of marketing executives are using video marketing in their advertising campaigns already — which means that if your competitors haven’t yet picked up on a video marketing strategy, then they soon will. Now is the best time to get a head start on your competition by developing a solid video marketing strategy.
5. Everyone is watching videos online: It can’t be denied that more people are going on the web to watch video content than ever before. YouTube, which is the second-largest search engine in addition to being the biggest video hosting site on the web, boasts more than 4 billion views on its videos each day. Your target audience is spending its time watching video — so the best way to reach them is through video. Refernce materials.