It’s safe to say that Americans love to give and receive gifts, and not just for the major holidays, like Christmas and Hanukkah. In fact, there are all kinds of personal milestones and occasions that call for special gifts for just about anyone, from a boyfriend or girlfriend to a child or grandchild, and more. Some are seasonal, such as summer gifts or autumn gifts, and some little gifts are meant for young women who will love the novelty. Some gifts are suitable for just about anyone, but some special gifts are meant for girls in particular, from cute Christmas gifts for a young daughter to charming special gifts for a girl who just moved into her first college dorm or apartment. It’s common, in fact, for parents to look up “gifts for her” to find gifts that girls in particular will like.
Americans and Gifts
Gift-giving is tied into commerce and consumerist trends in the United States, and plenty of surveys and studies are done to see how Americans like to shop. For example, in the year 2017, it was once predicted that 86% of all Americans planned to buy gifts for other people for that holiday season, and 79% of consumers in that year said that they did some online shopping. Meanwhile, the U.S. Census said that in 2017, total retail sales hit a record height of $5.7 trillion, and e-commerce is rapidly becoming the standard for making purchases like these.
Meanw3hile, a 2015 UGiftIdeas survey found that 58.79% of respondents agreed that gift giving makes a relationship more meaningful, and gifts can range widely from a nice dinner out to flowers and foil balloons to potted plants and even pets. Now, what are some fun gift ideas for girls and young women in particular?
Gifts for Girls
As mentioned earlier, some gifts are unisex and have broad appeal, while other gifts are meant specifically for boys or girls (individual taste may vary somewhat). While young men often get gifts like watches or wallets or a fancy coat, girls often get gifts such as perfume bottles of their favorite brand, bath supply baskets, hair pins and brushes, and all kinds of jewelry, and those are just the most obvious choices for girl gift ideas. Many girls and young women will love gifts like these, though for some occasions, special gifts should be something a little more personal, and sometimes highly practical. Girls don’t just like attractive things; they want useful things, too, especially when moving out of the house.
When is the right time to buy special gifts for a young woman whom the sender knows well, such as a daughter or niece or granddaughter? High school graduation is a good example, and many young adults are happy to get framed photos of their graduation day. Sentimentality is key here, and the same can be done for college graduation, too. Gifts can be not only items, but also special events, such as a nice dinner out a the special girl’s favorite restaurant or tickets to musical performances, going to museums, or anything else that she likes. Gifts for high school or college graduation can be more extravagant, such as expensive jewelry or a new car, but that is the exception.
Meanwhile, a young woman may like any variety of gifts when she moves into her first dorm, apartment, or house, and she can get housewarming gifts that are attractive and/or practical. For example, she can get potted flowers and framed photos and art prints, as well as towel sets, nice drapes, rugs, and the like to make her new living space feel more like home. This is especially true when a young woman gets married, and she and her new spouse are going to need all kinds of wedding gifts to create a comfortable and permanent household. Typically, brides will create a gift registry so that wedding guests and families will buy them the items they need, and avoid redundant gifts. The bride and her partner will collaborate to come up with gift ideas, and some gifts are meant for the both of them. The bride might consult her parents or married friends for more ideas and advice on creating the best gift registry possible.