Five things to do in Toronto this weekend, March 7-9
This week New Yorker Billy Joel is going to play Madison Square Garden monthly. Exactly, he is going t pop-up here and there rather than engaging himself for a prolonged tour. On Sunday, he will display some excellent flying traits through his flight’s hop at Air Canada Centre and that would be an amicable and joyous moment for the fans to come.
It will be held on March 9, 8 p. and the ticket prices will be between. $68.75 to $164.75. The location of the venue is Air Canada Centre, 50 Bay St. For tickets call 1-855-985-5000 orticketmaster.ca.
The contract between National Ballet of Canada and Russian star Svetlana Lunkina is going to up at the end of this winter season. But, former Bolshoi ballerina said that “I am not ready for the Swan Song yet”. Besides, she said with a firm determination that “I am going to share lead role in the Swan Lake – the company’s version of the mystic”.
Upon arrival to Canada in the last fall, Bolshoi ballerina said that “After spending 15 years of Struggle in Russia, I feel that there are many things that I can still do”. Swan Lake is supposed to be her third production with the nation and she hopes that she would qualify the audition.
It will be held on March 8 to 16, and the ticket prices will be between: $25 to $184. The location of the venue is Four Seasons Centre, 145 Queen St. W., for tickets call 416-345-9595 ornational.ballet.ca.
We have been wearing the T-Shirt, displaying our support, and showing our solidarity with the 1,100 garment workers of Bangladesh about less than a year ago. But, we must not be so blasé about it. It is a comedic piece that has been specifically aimed for the audiences of aged 10 to 16 using live music to address the issue of globalization and the true cost of our cheap clothes.
It will be held on March 8, and the ticket prices will be $10. The location of the venue is Wychwood Theatre, Artscape Wychwood Barns, 76 Wychwood Ave., for tickets call 416-526-9332 orthetaleofatshirt.eventbrite.ca.
How to express my feelings with my brother about our mother that she is as lovely as the electrical storm particularly when you are unclothed and hanging over the highest tree of the country? This is one of those six questions that are asked in the new play. The theme of this play is based on daughter’s relationship with her estranged mom, and, as queries go, it turns out to be dozy.
Actually the piece is based on a memoir of Priscila Uppal (The Projection Encounters with my Runaway Mother) who is one of Canada’s great poets, and there is no second opinion on it.
It will be held on March 30 and the ticket prices will range from $23 to $45. The location of the venue is Factory Theatre, 125 Bathurst St., for tickets call 416-504-9971 or factorytheatre.com.
On Saturday night, after party of the comic book convention, sci-fi fandango is going to take place. It would take place at Tattoo Queen West lounge where autographs and Q &As will also be given. Besides, Comicon attractions particularly the Napoleon Dynamite star Jon Heder will be on hand. Apart from this, Billy Boyd from The Lord of the Rings won’t be using his “hobbit-forming” line on the ladies. Inevitably, the photo shoot session will also be followed at the end of the party and chances are there that many other famous celebrities may also come to attend the event.
It will be held on March 7 to 9, and the ticket prices will range from $10 to $25 (weekend pass, $45). The location of the venue is Metro Convention Centre, 255 Front St. W.,comicontoronto.com.